Maria Milagro Jimenez Perez

July 29th, 2024

It is with a deep sorrow that we announce the death of our mother, aunt, grandmother, and great-grandmother, Maria Milagro Jimenez Perez, who left us on July 29th, 2024, surrounded byher loving family and friends in her final moments.

She was predeceased by her 4 children, Karen, Suany, Miguel, and Luis; and her granddaughter, Kayla. She leaves a daughter, son, 12 grandchildren, and 13 great-grandchildren.

After a beautifully lived life, full of love, laughter, and resilience, she touched the lives of all who knew her. She was a woman of humour and wisdom, cherishing every moment spent with her loved ones.

Maria was born in El Salvador on November 14th, 1946, to a small town named San Miguel. She was born into a family of 4; she had her mother, 2 sisters, and 1 brother.

Maria immigrated to Toronto, Canada in the year 1986 with her three sons and husband. Following this, her daughter moved to Toronto to be with her. There she raised her 3 sons and daughter until 1991, which was the year she moved back to El Salvador. After a decade in her home country, she decided to take the plunge and move to Vancouver, Canada in 2002 to be with her daughter and son.

Despite all the hardships life threw at her, she remained positive and joyful because she had a strong faith in God. With her free time, she would volunteer at a local bible missionary shop and she made pupusas and tamales for her church’s events. She went on two missionary trips to Nicaragua and Honduras. There she brought clothes, shoes, and school supplies to children in need.

Whenever she visited her home country El Salvador she would bring gifts to her whole family, and even brought gifts for anyone she would see in need. She always was thinking of others. We will miss her infectious smile, hugs, huge heart, loving-kindness, generosity, and especially her cooking.

John 11:25-26
“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.’ “


Abuela I miss you, every day. I miss your jokes and your laughter. Your wise advice and life lessons. I miss your loud phone calls. I thank God for letting us spend more time with you. And being by your side til your last breath. Te extraño. Te quiero muchísimo mi abuela.

Q en paz descanse la tía bella de todos y q a ti Carlos y Xiomara les de Dios rápido consuelo y alivio en sus corazones.

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