William "Bill" Thompson

December 29th, 2020

William (Bill) Thompson was born on October 22, 1947.  He fell asleep in death on December 29, 2020.  Bill’s earlier years were marked by many challenges, but later in life he experienced many good times.  When Bill was in his forties he started studying the Bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses.  He applied what he learned from the Scriptures, made big changes in his life and was baptized on November 5, 1995.  Bill often commented that “Jehovah saved his life.”  The congregation in Fort Qu’Appelle became his family and over the years everyone had a share in caring for Bill’s needs.  His new family soon discovered Bill had hidden talents.  He loved to sing and make music.  He obtained a keyboard and taught himself to play and even composed songs. Foreign languages fascinated Bill, so he taught himself to speak Spanish and German.  After starting his study of the Bible he memorized scores of scriptures. Bill participated in every activity of the Fort Qu’Appelle Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses.  He gave public Bible readings and talks, was active in the door to door ministry, was a faithful meeting attender and was always present for any work bees at the Kingdom Hall.  He was always included in any social gatherings.  Bill’s favourite season was summer. He loved having the responsibility of cutting the grass at the Kingdom Hall.  It became his second home.  Bill would often be seen walking the streets of Fort Qu’Appelle and collecting bottles.  He would make enough each year to attend the summer convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses.  Even though he was of little means he didn’t expect others to pay his way.  All of Bill’s friends can relate hilarious stories of him and his antics.  He supplied everyone with lots of laughs.  He was a unique individual.....one of a kind.  The truth is Bill found a place where he truly belonged and was loved.  All in the congregation learned something from Bill and feel it a privilege to have had “Brother Bill” in their lives.  His family of friends look forward to seeing him in God’s new world where he will be whole in mind and body.

Memorial Service via video conference will be held on Monday, January 11, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. (Zoom meeting ID 434 979 3534 password 30478) with Anthony Kushniruk Officiating Minister.

"He will swallow up death forever, And the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will wipe away the tears from all faces." Isaiah 25:8


I send my condolences to you and to your family during this time of sorrow. The Bible gives a real hope and it promises that your loved one will soon come back to life in a peaceful paradise on the earth. (John 5:28, 29)

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