Wayne Yerhoff

January 8th, 2025

Wayne Yerhoff

The sudden death of Dr. Wayne Yerhoff on 8 January 2025 shocked his close friends, depriving the world of an original mind perhaps at the height of its power, and those who knew him, of a devoted friend.

Wayne is predeceased by his parents Erna and Frank Yerhoff, and by his life partner of some 35 years, Denise Wood. Her children, Kama (Elias), Katrina (Tom) and Kai Hutchence remain to mourn his loss.

Wayne was born in Regina in 1947 and would spend most of his life there. His academic abilities were recognized very early on while attending Luther College. Wayne went on to become an academic chemist completing his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at the then Regina Campus of the University of Saskatchewan. His Ph.D. thesis was earned at the University of Western Ontario. He returned to the University of Regina working as the Chemistry laboratory Technician and retiring as the University’s first Manager of OH&S. So, from his start making fireworks in his parents’ basement as a young boy, Wayne had come full circle as a chemist, researcher and academician.

Wayne had a very clear and decisive way of thinking. He possessed a sharp mind and a very deep knowledge on many subjects that was apparent in any debate. He was a natural philosopher full of bold and original ideas. His analysis of issues, ideas and plans was always thorough, and his responses were always clearly thought out. He could spot double speak, contradiction and foggy thinking, many times seeing the humour or simple silliness of what was being said, especially by politicians, professors or teachers. Discussions and debates among his friends over burgers and beer would often end with much belly laughter.

As an avid historian with a strong interest in ancient cultures, he and Denise took a dream tour of Egypt including Cairo, Luxor and the Nile. They also travelled extensively across Canada, enjoyed hiking in the mountains, and stopped at every waterfall they saw. They both loved watching the antics of birds, squirrels and rabbits in their backyard. Eating out, especially for Dim Sum, was another of their favorite activities. A student of military history, Wayne became interested in the various war games that were becoming available in the 1980’s. With a cadre of close Regina friends, he formed a gaming group that still meets to this day.

Wayne will be most remembered for the friendships that lasted his entire life.. His friends and family will miss his wit, intelligence and hearty laughter.

Rest well, dear friend.

At Wayne's request there will be no memorial service.


We were shocked and saddened to hear of Wayne’s passing. We always enjoyed Wayne’s easygoing manner and his love of his family. Our condolences to his family and his many friends.

The University of Regina was still young when Wayne came back there to work. When he applied himself to radiation safety he shifted to a position where he favourably touched many people (myself included) leaving the workplace much the better for his efforts. My deepest condolences to his family.

Farewell my friend.

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