
Obituaries are placed in alphabetical order by surname. 

Obituaries posted over 90 days ago can be found in the Archives.

Klock, Roy

February 12th, 2023

Kluge, Grant Peter

June 8th, 2021

Klyne, Larry Joseph

February 6th, 2019

Klyne, Francis

December 26th, 2021

Knight, Shirley Jean

June 20th, 2013

Knudsen, Sandie

November 27th, 1946 ~ January 23rd, 2017

Kobsar, Curtis

January 7th, 2023

Kokesch, Barbara

August 17th, 2014

Kolodziezak, Andrew

December 16th, 2021

Korol, Fred G.

April 27th, 2015

Koronkiewicz, John

September 14th, 1935 ~ March 8th, 2016

Koronkiewicz, Ross Milton

December 17th, 2022

Koshman, Mary

October 1st, 1920 ~ January 8th, 2018

Koshman, Ed

April 4th, 2019

Kosti, Catherine Mary

October 25th, 2018

Kostur, Elizabeth

January 7th, 2014

Kovatch, Marlene Joanne

January 16th, 2024

Kowalski, Karen

May 3rd, 2017

Kowbel, Steve George

December 26th, 2019

Kozmanuk, Dale Nicholas

February 13th, 2022